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Where do I .... ?

Where do I pay my village taxes? Village Office, 111 Mill Street (Cnr Mill & Hart)
When do I pay my village taxes? June
Where do I pay my town and county taxes? Town Office, 111A Mill Street (behind Village Office)
When do I pay my town and county taxes? January
Where do I pay my school taxes? Community Bank NA
When do I pay my school taxes? August
Where do I renew my dog license? Town Office, 111A Mill Street
Where do I get a marriage certificate? Town Office, 111A Mill Street
Where do I get a death certificate? Town Office, 111A Mill Street
Where do I apply for a handicap parking tag? Town Office, 111A Mill Street
Can I pay my village taxes online? Yes - under the payments tab on this website
Can I pay my fine online? Yes - under the Government tab, Court Officials -
Where do I pay my water and sewer bills? Village Office, 111 Mill Street
Can I pay my water and sewer bills online? Yes - under the payments tab on this website
Where do I return my Agricultural Exemption papers? Sherman Assessor
When are my Agricultural Exemption papers due? March 1st
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